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Providing Key Components to Support Safe and Comfortable Society

Uchihashi Estec began manufacturing and marketing solder products in 1918. Since then, the company has been pursuing advanced special alloy processing techniques and applied technologies. Uchihashi Estec will soon celebrate its 100th anniversary. For nearly a century, the company has been spearheading the development of the most advanced alloy technologies – including the successful commercialization of the world’s first small alloy thermal-links – while helping improve product safety and reliability in the manufacturing industry.
Our thermal-links and solders may not always be visible to consumers, but they ensure the safe and reliable operation of a wide range of products in which they are incorporated. Meanwhile, by building on our customer-oriented approach and leveraging our technological expertise and innovation, we are providing optimal safety solutions for our partners to use in meeting the ever-increasing need for product safety and quality.
As we continue delivering advanced, high-quality key components to our customers, we at Uchihashi Estec are fulfilling our mission as a material and component manufacturer, maintaining customer trust and working to exceed their expectations for our products.
President and Representative Director : Akimitsu Fujii
Uchihashi Estec Co.,Ltd.
The "Safety Solution Company (SSC)" Commitment

Our entire company is geared to help customers successfully address safety design issues and manufacture better products.
True to our heritage as an industry trailblazer, we develop products that stretch the boundaries and enable our customers to achieve breakthroughs of their own.
The pursuit of unparalleled products development and safety is what we call SSC –our commitment to being the Safety Solution Company.
Strengths that set Uchihashi Estec Apart
Core Technologies
Special Alloy
Thorough Pursuit
of Safety
Using processing techniques and applied technologies developed since the company was founded, Uchihashi Estec develops and supplies thermal cutoffs and solder products true to its mission as the “Safety Solution Company (SSC).”
Uchihashi Estec is committed to customer-oriented product development and the thorough pursuit ofgreater safety.
Strength 1
Integrated Production, from Materials Procurement to Finished Product Delivery
Benefits to Customers
- Customer-oriented service system
- Stable supply of high-quality products
- Enabling traceability
Greater cost effectiveness, quality and safety through in-house production
Strength 2
Customer-oriented Service System
Benefits to Customers
- Prompt and accurate response to customers’needs and requests
- Proactive solutions to customers’issues
- Supply system bolsters customers’global procurement systems
Systems designed to assure customer securityand satisfaction
Strength 3
Safety Design Know-how and Experience
Benefits to Customers
- Improved product safety
- Enhanced efficiency based on hybrid technology
- Reduced product development lead time